Mother’s Day•AP Testing•Snapchat Fun!

IMG_6629 Gigi working hard on Mother’s Day to prepare for AP tests.  AP tests were not in my world as a child.  My girls impress me that they have challenged themselves with these AP classes.  They have worked hard in these classes and maintained themselves.  Renee and Gigi are hopefully that they score three or above.  Whatever they score, I am proud of them for the dedication and determination to push themselves.  They impress me on a daily basis!

IMG_6624Renee worked on tie-dying t-shirts for her friends.  She is giving them t-shirts in honor of her birthday. Renee said “I guess that I just like giving gifts”.  What a wonderful lesson she has learned so early.  Giving can be rewarding and give to yourself as you give to others.

Now for some laughs watch the videos below:


Markets and Emotions!



One of our investment brokers sent us some information pertaining to the current decline in the stock market.   Current threats of a pandemic has effected worlds.  This threat has caused many to stock up on supplies, limit their exposure to people.   Our president referred to it as a hoax.

Though this graph was related to buying and selling in the stock market at times change.   I immediately looked at it and saw how people who experience the ups, downs and all arounds of life through emotions.

Knowing and understanding that life will move through these emotions.  The important thing to remember is that in your moments of fear, panic and depression the constant is that the other side will bring emotions of hope, excitement and euphoria!

When the ups, downs and all arounds occur, take several deep breaths and know the all these emotions are normal.  Be patient, don’t make rash decisions allow time to pass and re-evaluate your situation.


Sign of the Times!


Bill Maher describe our current times similar to Julius Caesar

Thankfully our children were able to see
Julius Caesar in OKC and have read it for school.  


Some of the terms and phrases that Alex Wagner used were: heartbreaking, test of liberal democracy…… does the project work or has one party become so corrupt by power that they are shredding the basic principle of what the country stands for,   no amount of evidence can be presented ….  that will make them leave this president

Critical thinking is not something that comes naturally.  People must be encouraged to learn!  As one of my junior high teachers taught: Consider the Source!

It’s so sad that its hard to know what source to trust these days?


Goodbye Marcus. Santa will live on in all of your elves.

When Marcus Hall experiences this powerful Christmas transformation, we looked every day to see what was happening to our friend in his Subaru. As we face the holidays knowing our friend is no longer with us, he left us so many gifts to help us. This video will forever help me get into the holiday spirit. May you enjoy the transformation and take a piece with you this season to help others be Merry and Bright. Forever thankful for the gifts Marcus gave us. #Faroutstars

Yellow Rock #faroutstars

My Sunday started like most others.

Impeachment trials. CBS Sunday morning. Saints Sunday. Impromptu hike to yellow rock.

When we arrived at the lookout, I felt that the energy was off. We were made aware that a young man was hurt below. And people were working there way to him. And more were in route.

As I assessed the situation, I was amazed by the calmness of all.

A young man had been climbing/hiking alone. Nobody knew him. He was responsible and some other hikers had made there way down to attempt to assist him.

The crowd on the rock became larger as time slowing ticked by. Eventually search and rescue arrived. I have been noticing everyone seems to be so busy theses days. And when I hear someone say just been busy. Or I’m. Hoping it will slow down around the corner. Waiting on the rock for that trained magic men, I felt no need to be anywhere else. Actually I was fascinated by the people saving experience that I was witnessing.

I felt very present in the moment on the mountain. I reminisced about past training knowledge and experience that I have had previously. I felt weirdly useful in helping to explain some of the procedures that we were witnessing a the search rescue team worked there magic.

Sometime I often struggle to know where to fit into the mix or moment. In this afternoon experience, I felt more in tune with my place in the puzzle.

Sure hope the #faroutstar who fell is getting the help he currently needs. I appreciate all the magical amazing rescue team who were very impressive to watch help this young man. True #faroutstars

19-year-old man airlifted after fall at Devil’s Den State Park

Little Libraries.

My husband worked for three years on this little library. It was a sweet precious gift. I have loved little libraries since my first discovery of them. And little pantries that began in Northwest Arkansa also are such a special also!

I have dreamed of seeking out all the little libraries in Northwest Arkansas and showing them some love!


Someday maybe!!

Though my big hope is to see a repurposed Star Shopper newspaper box into a little free library in my front yard. I have dreamed of this for years. Renee began the repurposing of the box two years ago. This summer I added to it. It’s basic and not quite finished but it’s finished enough to be put in the yard. Though it continues to sit in our backyard dues to a fight disagreement or whatever else you want to call it between my husband and I. He doesn’t want it and I do. So how do we work this out. Who knows. For now I continue to feel frustrations and feelings of why not. His argument is that he doesn’t think it’s needed it looks trashing and is not willing to put it out until I remove the other plastic star shopper box. And I refuse to remove it. At some point I will drag it out to the curb myself.

I joke that it may be a continue piece of contingency between chris and I. I may drag it out there then he drag it back to the back yard. And back and forth until one of our backs goes completely out and we no longer can do it.

It’s kind of a joke but it really is a huge frustration for me.

I think why not. Is it really hurting anything to have it. Because the fight hurts my feelings. And my not wanting to give in to his requests seems to hurt his feelings. Control is ultimately the issue. Who’s in co trip. Who gets to make the decisions for our house.

It’s my house it’s my street it’s my yard too. In many of my friends relationships they seem to want something and the spouse seems to just agree and do it. Though in my world it feels like I have an idea and I must convince chris to the idea. Sometimes I wish it weren’t so difficult and I could do what I want. In the overall scheme of thing I know I can but I don’t want to hurt his feeling.

Modern Love!

In Mitch Albom’s book Tuesday’s with Morrie, Morrie speaks of allowing grief in our lives. Like grieving the end of a good book! Just watched a series on Amazon that makes me sad to end it! Similar to how I felt when M.A.S.H, Friends, Senifield, or Parenthood ended!

If you need a sweet story of all kinds of life, love and loss, watch Modern Love on AMAZON! Once again adoption is everywhere! Lots of ups, downs and all arounds! so many #faroutstars!

CBS Sunday morning is sometimes the show that helps me get to the emotions that I tend to bury and struggle to allow myself to feel.   For as long as I can remember, I run and hid from my emotions.  They scare me!   They overwhelm me!  They hurt! They embarrass me!

As REM wrote “Everybody Hurts”!

Fear seems to be the one emotion that I sit in often in my life.  My fear seems to paralyze me time and time again.  Wether it is facing the truths of my birth or to speaking from my authentic place due to the fear of what others with think.    A women in my group often says your words, your actions will not cause anyone to die. I give my thoughts an overwhelming amount of power! I hear this and it makes so much sense, though I continue to be struggling to speak my hopes, dreams and frustrations due to the pain that may come.  Though theses overwhelming thoughts continue to cause me the most damage and destruction of my authentic self.

CBS Sunday morning helps me cry almost every week.   This week it was a story of Chika!  Such a sweet special young girl who lived a short life!  Mitch Albom and his wife adopted her into their lives!  Chika’s life story and the Albom’s love for her overwhelmed me!  Love is overwhelming!

Chika’s life may be over but her spirit and story will forever change many for good!  For me it allowed me to release some tears and be reminded that we only get one chance to be here.  So work hard to be who you are!  Your being won’t kill anyone!

New book, ‘Chika’ to publish November 2019

New book, ‘Chika’ to publish November 2019

Earth guardians. Think tank youth inspiring solutionaries

Environmental crisis And social movements. and how it affects your people.

Mohawk. Plant people. Mohawk emergent school.

Climate justice.

“We are all one!!!”

Plants are relatives plants are teachers. Plants are medicines.

Taught how sacred plants are to indigenous people.

Pushing for justice.

Pollution affects us all.

Injustice on our plant life.

Golden triangle. Beaumont Texas most pollutes 90 refineries. Mostly Black and brown people affected.

South Dakota. Love our sovernity. Responsibility of saving this world. For those before us got to enjoy.

For us young people we worry about protecting them and they don’t have to suffer from the fact that our land is unable to support us. Why have a life.

Parents work to make a better life for their children. Keep on fighting as young people. It’s all intersected. We talk of our future we talk of our land. This land is not ours. We need to help our Mother Earth survive to help provide for her children.

See it as a spiritual war. Mining of our indigenous people. Young people to be wise beyond our years. We have to be warriors at such young age

Beautiful warriors fighting this war together.

Ponca City. Oklahoma. Remember a time when we did not have earthquakes. Ok is now the most earthquake place in the county.

Highest cancer rate highest teen pregnancy high single parent rate.

Social justice and climate justice intertwined. Our people affected by the injustices but they have no voice in the world of decisions. Harmful indestructible. Negative affects before the corporations even come to your lands.

Women Daughters Being taken from them.

Man camps come with the

They have to fight for brown and

Two spirit. LGBT

Watch my hero die of cancer.

Finding deer dead due to the grass and the water they drink. The strawberries have a film over them. The springs are dying. They were a source of life. They were labeled resources.

We are a part of nature!

Climate justice social justice the are the same.

Overwhelming the climate justice. But we have the opportunity to create

How do we have good communities. How do we have good lands.

All have different needs of lands. Sustain the land. So grandparents can pass on.

How are we creating Regenerative future?

“Place where we lived a long time”

Can’t live from land because we are afraid they will cause people to get sick. Film I. The water. Fish floating to the top of the water.

Hope in he fact that we are having these conversations. Hope that people are problem solving.

Pipeline? Systemetc genocide for years. How do you be indigenous people in these times of colonization.

Seventh offenders project.

Suicide epidemic. 62 attempt suicide 30 succeeded.

Someone out there to provide help. We have so much comfort out there. Capitalism and colonization have profited off the land

Environmental racism.

Make sure the young people have the best they can have

Tired of having others to save them.

Help lift up the voices of our ancestors. But have to navigate through a tough world the educational world because that is the best system to help raise the voices of the ancestor. Help my people. Help voice their voices and create spaces for them to be heard.

Mothers books helped him know his peoples history. 1926. Standing bear. Had to flight to be thought of as a human!

Brown women can go upstream. Even when people are telling them your crazy. She was going to show them what crazy can do.

Leaders chief are the voice of the people.

Privilege with education!! Not maybe be our stuff. But giving it our all representing a nation when I move around the world.


Taught in school was a misrepresentation of my people. Told about generational trauma. Pain that my mom and grandma went through I felt that confusion and the pain.

LAND IS SAD. Our mother is sad she is hurt. She’s confused.

HOPE working with youth

We feel the same we don’t identify them the same way. Things effect our influence

The hope is that it’s up to us!!! Make sure our voices are being heard. The understanding the accepting it. The respect we are getting give me hope that you will respect our words and our mission. The passion this voice is the spirit of the ancestor. The beauty in your dna. Reconnecting with the land

In a world still fighting for our voice!!!!

Hold each other accountable.

The world was made with the blood of the indigenous and on the backs of the slaves.

REGARDEN THR EARTH. Regard the Mother Earth.

The youth are angry. They know we are worth more than we have been given.

Children of the day are the future leaders.

Young people are all indigenous. Living in colonial world is hard.

Plant seeds in the children.

Show them that they are cared for and loved.

Children. Love ya so much we are willing to change this world for the better.

Your voice matters!!!

Indigenous futurism.

The healing of the youth.

“If you want to know the health of a country look to the indigenous people”

We are all humans. We are all indigenous to the world.

Cycle of colonizing being passed on from generation to generation

Rules of the earth. Laws of man can override the laws of Mother Earth.

People are shapes of the water and the land.

Indigenous futurism will take healing. Healing the trauma and that pain.

Indigenous futurism. Looks like acknowledging the people and including them in the decision making. Ancestor knowledge is not a new concept.

Indigenous futurism. Is togetherness.

Dakota 38 ride. Honor ride for 38 Dakota chiefs that were hung on Christmas Day by Abraham Lincoln.

Seasonal people. No Christmas. We had a togetherness around Christmas. 800-2000 people participate. Their is a togetherness of the people. It’s like it’s a village again.

Removed them from sacred spots. Everyone had a place in he world. Look into your indigenous baby’s and let them know their is a place for them.

Being the descended of a massacre. Making our pain into medicine. Sacrifice

Caring for all beings. Caring for each other. Life’s journey being a descendent of a termination of my people.

We are still here. How can we bring that healing back.

Indigenous futurism Togetherness.

Indigenous futurism That pain that fear cane courage. We are here today. Someone somewhere gave their lives so that we are here. Earth and blood memories. Mother Earth remembers the sisters that were taken the men she has taken back. Where do we go from here. We can all live with each other but we don’t loose ourselves.

In order to have a future we need to think about each other. We need to be uncomfortable.

Policy change.

Rights of nature into our

Right of every human being to have clean air and clean water.

all life carries water. At water is the carrier of all life

Where ever you stand you have influence!!!

Fought to be seen fought to be heard. Build bridges. We all need to work together to fight for the earth

People against people? We all suffer one way or another. People are natural nutures.

Collective liberation and collective humanity.

Strongest position of Power is to be in alignment with your people.


Not a lot of uplifting people.

Write our own story. Acting out our own story. Use your voice use your creativity.

We all come from suffering and we all come from beauty.